Thursday, 15 November 2012

1)Take Home Biodiversity(6) Human Body(5)Project outline home to share/Discuss
2)Review today's math lesson
3)Talk about shared writing assignment

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Wednesday November 14 Agenda

1) Science:
Grade 6  Biodiversity project. Discuss
Grade 5 Human Body Project. Discuss
Projects due November 28
2)Math Finish/review

Monday, 12 November 2012

Monday November 12 Agenda

1)"A Canadian Spy Story" Read/discuss.  Finish questions if not done to hand in Tuesday morning
2)Math Constructing triangles/figures Home to finish review.
Bring a compass and protractor to school!
-It is important that you are comfortable using a compass and protractor.  Practice at home to help master these necessary skills.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Nov. 9 Agenda/Remembrance Day Assembly

1)Why peace is important in our lives assignment due Monday.
 2)IXL practice if you can
3)Great job today students. Check out the blog:Video of the assembly is now posted
 Remembrance Day Assembly
Today our class participated in the remembrance day assembly in the school gym. We preformed 2 songs called Traveling Soldier, and Highway of Heroes. We had Jeanette playing the violin, Mr. Murphy playing the guitar, Matt playing the bass, and Logan playing the ukelele. Sophie and Emma were singing Traveling Soldier and then we all joined in for certain parts of the song, also we all sang together for Highway of Heroes. Mrs. Simpson' s class read a poem called Flanders Field before before we preformed. At the end of the assembly we all bowed our heads and left. Before the assembly we all typed a writing assignment about why peace is important and also a illustration describing one of the two songs.We had a great experience learning about remembrance day and we had a great time preforming the songs. A video of our class preforming is also on the blog be sure to check it out! LEST WE FORGET!<3

Thanks for reading! 
Emilie Anderson    

Video of Our Class preforming at the Rememberance Day Assembly

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Wednesday Nov 7 Agenda

-finish/review math
-Assembly Friday 11:05
-indoor shoes
-bring water to drink!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Nov 6 Agenda

-Biodiversity Notes Human impact on the enviornment
-Remembrance Day assembly Friday
Indoor shows

Monday, 5 November 2012

Monday Nov. 5 agenda

1)Take home "Whats in the the Beef" article to share
2)Math Finish Definitions and examples geometry
 3)Remembrance Day assembly Friday @11:05

Friday, 2 November 2012

Friday Nov. 2 Agenda

1) Please bring a protractor on Monday
2)Be sure to have your parents/Guardians sign your agenda every night
3)Indoor shoes
4)Instruments to school Monday
5)Have a great weekend

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Thursday Nov. 1st

1)Study For Math test
2)check the blog for study tips reviewed in class

Friday Nov 2 Math test

Be sure you are prepared to:
Grade 6:
1)Write numbers in standard form
2)Write numbers in expanded form
3)Understand prime and composite numbers.
4)understand multiples
5)Order of operations: eg: 10x(17-9)                   26+2x3
6)addition, subtraction, multiplication problems that require regrouping
7)Inverse operations eg: 5x10=50        50 dived by 10=5
8) Long Division
9) word problems. Be sure to show your work.

Grade 5:

1)Write numbers in standard form
2)arrange large numbers least to greatest
3)Find sum's and differences of 4 digit numbers
4)multiply larger numbers eg: 12x900         47x21
5)Long division eg 6876 divided by 5
6)show your work on word problems eg:
A plant can produce 9 strawberries.
These are packed 27 stawberries to a basket.
How many plants will it take to produce 30 baskets of strawberries?

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Halloween Agenda

1)Math Test friday
2)Talk about your day:Writing/Math
3)Have fun tonight

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Oct 30 Agenda

1)Math Test on Friday
2)Review Math
3)Black and orange day tomorrow

Friday, 26 October 2012

Friday Oct 26 Agenda

1)Order of operations math to be completed for Tuesday
2) Have a nice weekend
4)P.A.Day Monday

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Agenda Thursday Oct. 25

1)Congrats to the CAMAL Party
2) Class election 1 page summary due tomorrow
3)Class visits the Book Fair tomorrow

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Agenda Oct 24

1)Class election tomorrow
2)Book fair Thursday and Friday
3)Photo orders due Friday
Music Class Tomorrow
 Talk about your day

Student Created Commericals

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Tuesday Oct 23 Agenda

2)Elections Thursay
3)KWL Chart from Animal Communication article
4)Bitstrips comics to be finished

Monday, 22 October 2012

Monday Oct.22 Agenda

1)Finish Math: Prime composite numbers, Mental math
2)Finish Bitsrips
3)Elections Thursday
Our Class is preparing for elections this Thursday.  In a push to gain voter support the students have created comic's hoping to persuade voters to vote for them.  Below is an example created by Emilie from the Canadian Idol Party.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Friday Oct 19 agenda

1) Review prime,composite numbers.
2)Edit Social studies comericals
3)if possible bitstrip comic
4)Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Travelling Soldier Recording

Wednesday October 17th at 12:05pm grade 6/5 Murphy sang a beautiful recording of traveling solider as you can hear in the recording is the whole class singing it to a beautiful harmony we had to take 6 tries because we weren't perfect yet and then it struck us like lightning bolts we sounded perfect at last in the end you will  probably hear us cheering because we finally got it YAY
 The solos in the song were by 
Emma and Sophie with Jeanette playing Violin and Mr. M on acoustic guitar.
Click play below to have a listen! 
written By: Emma and Sophia

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tuesday Oct 16 Agenda

1) Review Today's math lesson
2)bring calculator
3)Class elections NEXT Thursday (Finish persuasive poster)
4)Multiplicity day tomorrow

Social Studies Class!

This week our class has been working in our party's to try and win the election for class presidents
we have come up with names for our party's like The C.A.M.e.L Party, The Everything Party, The
Canadian Idol Party, The Crazy Canadians Party, The Mitz Party, The Incredible Party,and The
Paradise Party! Our class has been on Bit strips making comics to tell students to vote for our party.
We also have been making posters and even soon we will make commercials today we will be writing our scrips for our commercials! We will have our election day next week on Thursday the 25th!
Good luck party's!!!

                                                                                                           By:Morgan Hawley

Monday, 15 October 2012

Monday Oct 15 Agenda

1)Finish Math  Gr. 6 Exploring multiples
                           Gr. 5.  Adding 3-digitnumbers
 2)Smart Cars article home to read,review,discuss 
3)Make sure your binder is organized

Friday, 12 October 2012

Friday Oct 12 Agenda

1)complete math table drills
2) Talk about your day
3) Be active, have a great weekend

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Oct 11 Agenda

1)Review finish math
3)Boys soccer tomorrow
4) Be respectful
5)Mme. Tipper's note home

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Agenda Oct 10

1)Talk about your day
2)Congratulations soccer team    3)review Math

Add caption

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Oct 9 Agenda

-Girls soccer tomorrow
-Class parties formed: Think about names for you party:
web resource
-Review math
-read for your enjoyment

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Thursday Oct. 4 Agenda

1)A Bear Encounter- Review article and finish questions. Return tomorror
2)Math Quiz tomorrow!  It is last nights homework!
3) Social studies tests home to be signed
4)please change into your indoor shoes before entering the classroom
5)Picture day tomorrow

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Oct 3 Agenda

1)Math questions home to complete/review
2)Social Studies quiz tomorrow:3 levels of government
3)picture day Friday
4)Talk about your day

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tuesday Oct 2 Agenda

1)Finish/review math Lesson 1
2)Read America Votes 2012 discuss
3)Talk about Health class
web resource:

Monday, 1 October 2012

Monday Oct. 1 Agenda

1)review math vocabulary
3) talk about your day...Literacy book groups

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Someone Special

                                                   Someone Special

              There was a guy, he ran across Canada with cancer to raise money for cancer research. He was in pain most of the time. He was very inspiring, his name is Terry Fox. He had a wish to find a cure for cancer research. One day he had a pain in his knee and when he woke up the pain was unbearable, so he was taken to a hospital. He found out he had cancer and he would have to get his leg remouved but the he realized that there are kids that are younger and the same age as him that have cancer too and some had died from it too. Terry Fox started his run in the east coast with his friend Doug and his brother Darell driving behind him. He raised lots of money for cancer research, but when he got to Quebec nobody knew what was going on, he ran on the road and people even tried to run him off the road. Terry fox ran 10 miles then took a break then he ran 12 miles then took a break. After just a week he had ran many miles. Terry Fox's story is very inspiring and touching story. That is why he is one of my heros.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Wesdnesday Sept. 26 Agenda

1)Math Test home to share results.
practice/make corrections
2) Levels of Government notes home to share. This will be on a test!  
Web resource
3)Parents/Guardians need to read and sign your agenda daily

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

September 24 Agenda

1)Read Article Science, Technology and the Environment Curiosity Lands on Mars
– NASA Celebrates a Perfect Touchdown.
 Discuss Critical question:  the mission worth the 17.8 billion dollar price tag?
2)forms for Mme. Tipper due tomorrow'
3)Terry for run Thursday
4)photo day Oct.5

Friday, 21 September 2012

Agenda: Friday September 21

1)Math Unit test Tuesday Study notes home to review
2)Have a great weekend
3)Mr. Murphy will be away Monday.

Math Unit 1 test on Tueaday

 We are practicing for our math test . We have been practicing division,pattern rules,input output,multiplication,subtraction,addition and been reviewing some stuff . Here are some examples of the  questions you can practice for the test . 
(1) write the next two terms in each pattern . Write each pattern rule. Then write the 9th term .
a) 5,14,22,29........     b)470,455,420,395......     c) 3,5,9,17......     d) 1,2,5,14......    

 2)Which of these numbers are divisible by 5? By 8 ? How do you know ?
a)12 680     b)9185     c)776     d) 9709     f)8210

3)Copy each equation.
   Find each missing number.
   How did you find each number?
a) 7 +__ = 27    b)48 = 3 x __    c)__ - 12 =5    d)__ - 9 = 4    e) 14 + 3 = __ + 5    f)15 x 2 = 5 x __

Good luck with your test ! And be sure to practice if you want a good mark !!!!!
By : Dhvani

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Tuesday September 18 Agenda

-Get Familiar with Bit strips (Password sjam65) (Class Mr. Murphy)
-Finish rough copy of comic about YOU!
-Math Quiz tomorrow
-Have your parents/guardians sign your agenda EVERYDAY

Friday, 14 September 2012

Friday Sept. 14 Agenda

-Sept 20 District Cross County meet.  Mr. Murphy will be away with the team
-Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Wednesday September 12 Agenda

1)Share this website withe someone at home
A Great resource: self esteem

2) Talk about your day.  You are Awesome!!!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tuesday September 11 Agenda

1) Math Quiz Tomorrow
2) Talk about your day!

Music Class

Today was our first music class of the year. Mr.Murphy asked people to bring in an instrument to school, so they could show us their talent. We also had people sing. At the beginning of class we were listening to a song and practicing the harmony. Then Mr.Murphy played his guitar and we sang along. Here is a list of people who preformed:
  • Cameron sang his own song "Acupallo"
  • Jennette did a violoin solo
  • Sophie sang "Travailing Solider" 
  • Emma, Larysa, Lauren and Kya sang "Crazier"
  • Morgan, Ally, and Rebecca sang "The Climb"
  • Kishore sang "Rock Cycle"  
  • Matthew played "7 Nation Army" on guitar
  • Our whole class sang "Highway of Heroes" 
At the end Tegan and Isys sang "You Are My Sunshine", Mr.Murphy Played the guitar and the class sang along.
By: Stuti

Bullying Lesson

This week in language class we did a lesson on bullying  that included  a bullying video, a discussion on the video, we talked about the types of bullying: verbal, cyber, physical, threatening, exclusion, and name calling and teasing, and we had to make a bullying poster.
 The bullying video showed us types of bullies and it showed us ways to solve bullying.
In our discussion we talked more about why bullying happens and how it is solved in different schools everywhere.
Mr. Murphy showed us a website     It is a great resource for parents,students and teachers.
Our assignment was to make a bullying poster; we needed to include a bullying slogan such as "Say No To Bullying"  or "You Have The Power Of One". we also needed to include a picture in our poster.
I thought it was interesting to learn more about bullying and strategies to prevent and deal with bullying.

Emilie A

Monday, 10 September 2012

Monday September 10 Agenda

1)Music Class tomorrow-
Bring  an insturment if you would like.
We have 10 acoustic guitars, an electric guitar Amp, keyboard and drums available to us here at school.
your voice is an instrument,  Bring it!
 2)Finish/review math
3)Talk about your day

Friday, 7 September 2012

Friday, September 7 agenda

-Finish up math sheet
-Talk about your day

Math Challenge 
How would you determine if a person can live to be  1 000 000 hours old?

Friday September 7 Info Letter

                                                                                                Friday September 7 2012
Dear Parents/ Guardians

It has been an exciting first week of school.  I am very pleased with the students’ attitudes and efforts.
Our class will keep an up to date blog which can be found by going to the Sir John A. Macdonald website and clicking on the Mr. Murphy 6/5 class blog link.
The students will maintain the blog on a regular basis.  There will be samples of student work, articles written by students on various subjects and assignments.
I will post important dates and the student’s agenda on a daily basis.

We have a diverse group of students: culturally, creatively, athletically, artistically and academically, leading to great learning opportunities.
Our class set of agendas have been ordered and should arrive soon.
If you have any questions please contact me through your child’s agenda, or by e-mail:
Mr. J Murphy

Back to School News Paper Article

We had to do a newspaper article describing our favourite  part about summer. we had to include a headline,lead sentence. The five w's ,where,what,when,who,why,events and conclusion. It was really fun to hear about my friends summer and to share my favourite part of summer to.    by: Tegan Barnstorf

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Thursday September 6 Agenda

-Finish math
-News paper article project completed for Friday
-Talk about your day
-Bring something for independent reading